Saturday, March 1, 2008

I Love my Wife

I ate something bad that landed me in the hospital during the weekend of WonderCon. It was a horrible experience with a ton of IV's plugged into me and a really low bloodpressure (70/50). So for the next 3 days in ICU, i completely missed wondercon :(

I made my wife go because she loves art books (we're both artists) and i know if she didnt attend she would regret it. i'm not dying, so no worries right? anyways, while she was there having the time of her life, felt bad that i wasnt there with her (we go together every year)... so surprise surprise when she came to visit me, she pulled out MASTERPIECE megatron from the wondercon bag! Ah, i love my wife :)

I am enjoying masterpiece megs with a blast. He is an AWESOME figure. I walk around cradling him like a 1 year old with a teddy bear :)

HEY sweetie! Look! i'm supposed to be drawing but i'm spending today taking photos of Megatron :D Megan, she's my MEGAN-TRUONG - MEGA-TRUONG - MEGATRON... get it?



Anonymous said...

"..having the time of her life.."

Yeah.. the whole time I was there I was thinking how great it was that you were in the hospital so I could go to Wondercon ALONE.

Dork. :P At least you got a big toy out the deal though.. and some Lucy shirts. :) Cuz I luvs you..

Anonymous said...

Awww how sweet. Glad to hear you're alright Albert. Both of you stay alive okay?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear your okay bert!


Anonymous said...

Mega-truong...sheesh you kill me, man. I hope your feeling much better. Sorry to hear about the illness. I feel your pain about missing Wondercon. But maybe you can make it to SDCC??!!

......and that Megatron is pretty sweet!

Anonymous said...

bummer you missed out on WC.

Glad you're feeling better and at least you got some toys out of it.

Personally I'm too old to play with toys.

I read comics and watch cartoons all day like a proper adult:)

Anonymous said...

"Personally I'm too old to play with toys.

I read comics and watch cartoons all day like a proper adult:)"


Anonymous said...

Hey, I didn't know they had Megatron out. I only gots Prime:)


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Yeah, I missed it too, only I flew 300 miles away to get sick. Ugh.

Cool megs and MEGS.